
Our Mission is to provide a high-quality early childhood learning program that meets the developmental needs of preschoolers while at the same time inspiring them to love and appreciate the world of nature. Our unique nature-based curriculum combines traditional Kindergarten readiness learning with age-appropriate educational activities that are designed to teach children about the natural world, exercise and physical fitness, health and wellness, nutrition, and the importance of getting outdoors.

We also believe that children need time to be themselves: They need ample opportunities to play, to practice and work out social skills with other children in a safe environment, and to gain self-confidence and self-esteem. We believe that helping children develop a positive self-image and become socially competent is the best foundation for their future. The experience of these early preschool years will last a lifetime.    

*Children enrolled are required to have the appropriate outerwear for each season including raincoats and rain boots to play outdoors year round in all safe weather.